Customers are at the heart of your business, and their ongoing support is crucial to your brand’s growth. Nurturing these relationships is more than a nice gesture — it’s the key to your success.

Research shows that loyalty is a powerful asset. Around 80% of US consumers participate in loyalty programs, showcasing their dedication to brands they trust. Customers often become loyal fans when they feel a genuine connection and sense of value from a brand. Implementing a loyalty program is an effective way to cultivate this relationship.

But how do you create a loyalty program that makes customers feel valued and stick around? In this guide, you’ll discover how to build a loyalty program that rewards and strengthens your customers’ connection to your brand.

What is a Customer Loyalty Program?

A customer loyalty program is a focused approach businesses use to thank and keep their most loyal customers. It’s a way to acknowledge customers who consistently choose your brand, offering them exclusive rewards, special deals, or unique benefits not available to everyone.

These programs thrive by building a solid bond between your customers and your brand. When customers know they’ll receive extra benefits each time they shop or engage with your brand, it motivates them to return.

However, building customer loyalty and an effective program reaches beyond tangible rewards — it focuses on showing appreciation and value to customers. This sense of gratitude keeps customers loyal and turns them into enthusiastic advocates for your brand, often leading them to share their positive experiences with others.

Why are Customer Loyalty Programs Important?

Customer loyalty programs are vital for enhancing business growth, customer retention, and increasing brand advocacy. According to McKinsey, these programs significantly influence customer behavior, offering various benefits to businesses.

Key findings from the survey reveal that 75% of members of high-performing loyalty programs engage in behaviors that benefit the brand, including: 

  • 64% buy more often
  • 31% are willing to pay higher prices
  • 50% are more likely to recommend the brand
  • 35% choose the brands over competitors

These statistics show that customer loyalty programs are essential in driving repeat business, cultivating customer loyalty, and enhancing a brand’s value.

Types of Loyalty Programs

There are several practical approaches to consider when setting up a loyalty program for your business. Each type offers unique benefits depending on your business and customers:

  • Points-based programs: This popular method allows customers to accumulate points for purchases or specific actions and exchange them for rewards. It’s a straightforward approach that encourages repeat purchases.
  • Tiered programs: Here, customers unlock increasingly attractive rewards as they reach higher levels of spending or engagement. This type of promotion is great for encouraging ongoing loyalty and higher spending.
  • Paid membership programs: Customers pay an upfront fee to access VIP benefits in this model. These programs often provide immediate value and exclusive experiences, appealing to those who prefer premium services.
  • Value-based programs: These programs align with your customers’ values or social causes. They are particularly effective for brands with a solid ethical or community focus and can deepen emotional loyalty.

When choosing a loyalty program, consider the intricacies of your business and customers. For instance, an ethical fashion brand might succeed more with a value-based program, which is likely to resonate with its socially conscious customers. On the other hand, a SaaS company could benefit more from a tiered program that rewards ongoing subscriptions and user engagement. 

Choosing a loyalty program should ultimately align with your brand’s identity, customer expectations, and strategic goals.

How to Create a Loyalty Program That Works

You need more than customer loyalty software to start a loyalty campaign. A successful loyalty program requires careful planning that keeps your customers and business in mind. To help you get it right, we’ve gathered some essential tips to help you put together a successful strategy: 

Understand your audience

The first step to a successful loyalty program is to deeply understand your target market. What motivates them? What are their purchasing behaviors? When you analyze customer interactions and behaviors, you can tailor your loyalty program to meet their needs and preferences. 

For example, capturing data at various customer touchpoints can provide insights into what products or services resonate most with your audience. Knowing your customers’ needs and behaviors can help you tailor personalized marketing campaigns to their preferences. As a result, you may see higher engagement rates and increased customer loyalty. 

Set clear goals

Defining clear objectives for your loyalty program is essential. Are you aiming to increase revenue, boost customer retention, or enhance customer engagement? Knowing your desired outcomes helps shape the loyalty program’s structure and rewards​​. 

If increasing brand awareness is your goal, engaging customers who share their experiences on social media can be a crucial strategy. Leveraging influencers and brand ambassadors can spread your message. On the other hand, if you want to deepen customer relationships and boost retention, offering loyalty rewards or discounts can be an effective way to keep customers coming back.

Offer desirable rewards

Your program’s rewards and incentives should be valuable and relevant to your customers. Perks might include discounts, freebies, exclusive access, or even non-monetary rewards that align with customers’ values​​. The key is to make these rewards appealing enough to encourage repeated engagement and purchases. 

For example, a SaaS company might reward users based on subscription tiers, while a retail brand might offer discounts on future purchases. Aligning your offers with your customers’ behaviors and desires can help you create a more effective reward system.

Promote your program

Effectively promoting your loyalty program is crucial to its success. Make full use of all communication channels to inform customers about the program and its benefits​​, including email, social media, and your website. Consider including loyalty program information in thank you emails or during customer onboarding. Making subtle mentions during other communications can introduce it to customers organically and build their trust in the brand. 

In addition, sign-up bonuses like discounts or freebies can encourage customers to join loyalty programs. Offering rewards for referrals can also help grow the loyalty program.

Use the right tools and technology

Today’s loyalty programs are more than simple points and rewards systems — they require sophisticated technology to deliver a seamless customer experience. A next-generation loyalty program should align with current trends, such as advanced personalization, seamless integrations, efficient automation, and a customer-centric omnichannel approach. These features keep your program relevant to meet modern customer expectations.

Elevate, Influitive’s next-gen platform, reimagines loyalty and engagement for the connected customer. Members can engage in faster, more intuitive experiences across devices using immersive activities and gamification. A modern rewards catalog and referral process make loyalty program management simple.

Create incentives through referrals

Referral incentives are crucial to amplifying your loyalty program’s reach. Encourage your customers to refer new clients by offering rewards for each successful referral. This strategy acknowledges your loyal customers while maximizing their networks to attract new business through trusted word-of-mouth.

For example, a boutique could offer a 10% discount to existing customers for each friend they refer who makes a purchase. Incentivizing the referrer and the prospective customer with a perk like this is an effective way to build customer loyalty while growing your business. 

Measure performance and adjust accordingly

Monitoring and adjusting your loyalty program regularly is key to its success. Metrics such as customer engagement rates and sales figures can give you insight into areas for improvement and allow you to refine your program structure and rewards. For example, if one incentive isn’t motivating participants, you can switch to another. 

Influitive’s customer loyalty software tracks engagement across multiple channels for easy monitoring. Advanced reporting allows you to identify ways to improve, for instance, by learning what activities increase customer lifetime value (LTV) so you can reward them more effectively.

Influitive Makes Building a Loyalty Program Simple

Loyalty programs are essential for retaining customers, encouraging advocacy, and driving business growth. By understanding your audience, offering desirable rewards, and leveraging platforms like Influitive, you can create a loyalty program that rewards customers and turns them into passionate advocates for your brand. 

Start crafting your loyalty program today to deepen customer relationships and drive long-term success. Learn more about how Influitive can help you build customer loyalty. Contact us or request a demo to see our platform in action.