The quality–and quantity–of your product’s reviews can make or break your sales.
According to Google, 60 percent of B2B tech buyers seek peer reviews before they make purchases. If you don’t have reviews, you won’t get noticed.
And if your software reviews aren’t good, you’ll get noticed for all the wrong reasons.
As the head of Customer Advocacy for Monetate, Brett Bair made it his mission to get as many high-quality reviews as possible. Since Monetate is the global leader in multichannel personalization, Brett wanted the platform to get some love on both TrustRadius and G2 Crowd.
However, Monetate had a grand total of two reviews on these sites.
Brett knew the brand would never dominate either site unless he found a scalable way to motivate customers to leave reviews.
Enter customer advocacy…
Monetate launched an advocate marketing program, called Monetate Customer Champions, using Influitive’s AdvocateHub. The program engaged the brand’s customers, fans, and employees through challenges that reward participant with points, badges and recognition.
However, Brett couldn’t just approach advocates out of the blue and ask them for reviews. First, he would need to befriend them.
“Asking customers for reviews is like asking friends to help you move,” says Brett. “If you haven’t seen people in a while, they probably won’t want to help you. However, if you keep in touch – and provide pizza and beer – they’ll be more likely to help out.”
Brett’s program reconnected with customers with smaller challenges first, and then motivated them to write reviews later.
To get Monetate’s customer success team involved, Brett created challenges to incentivize his reps to encourage their clients to write software reviews. They explained how the reviews would help Monetate develop new features and better meet customers’ needs.
Monetate’s advocates earned points in the program for submitting genuine reviews about the product. Brett also offered bonus points to customers who wrote their reviews by a certain date. With these points, and the points they earned for completing other activities, customers could earn swag, a free pass to the company’s user conference, or even a day with Brett to learn how Monetate can help them create better customer experiences.
Thanks to Monetate’s transparency and ongoing advocacy efforts, the platform received a rush of reviews on TrustRadius and G2 Crowd.
So far, Monetate has received 27 reviews on TrustRadius, with an average score of 4.3 out of 5 stars. Monetate also has the highest score on TrustRadius’s A/B Testing TrustMap for Enterprises.
In addition, Monetate has received 25 reviews on G2 Crowd and has the highest G2 Crowd score for Conversion Rate Optimization.“Engaging advocates has helped us blast past our competition on these key review sites,” said Brett. “And we couldn’t have done it without Influitive.”
Contact Influitive today to learn how to mobilize your advocates to supercharge your sales and marketing results.